
Ottawa Police hand out hundreds of tickets during Operation Impact


Police officers across the Ottawa region took part in Operation Impact over the long weekend.


As a result of their four-day blitz, 664 tickets were handed out to drivers and officers laid 13 impaired driving charges.


In one case, Constable Phil Kane stopped a driver doing 180 km/hr in an 80 km/hr zone on Limebank Road.



180 in a posted 80 zone today on Limebank #charged #carjail #courtdate #rentalcar #OperationImpact #ottnews

— Phil Kane (@carbinekane) October 9, 2017


"The car was impounded at the driver's expense and they were also issued an immediate seven-day licence suspension. It's just not worth it."


Operation Impact saw police forces looking out for the 'deadly 4' offences which includes impaired driving, distracted driving, speeding and those not using seatbelts.