
More money for Canadas 150th birthday

Premier Kathleen Wynne has announced the provincial government will be spending 37 million on projects to mark Canadas 150th birtday in 2017.

Premier Kathleen Wynne has announced the provincial government will be spending $37 million on projects to mark Canada's 150th birtday in 2017.

Speaking at the National Art Gallery here in Ottawa, Wynne said the province wants to create lasting memories and legacies similar to those from Centennial year in 1967.

"All across Ontario, we'll be funding hundreds of community-based initiatives that will build pride in our province, inspire our young people, and create strong economic, social, and cultural legacies for us all," Wynne said.

The premier pointed to the construction of the Centennial Pool in her home town of Richmond Hill as a defining moment in her life, at the age of 13.

"Without it, I wouldn't have been able to be a swim instructor in summers and be a counsellor at camp, and have that skill," she noted.

"That was important event."

There will be $25 million dedicated to renovations of community buildings, $7-million to help communities celebrate, and $5-million for partnership programs.

Wynne also announced another $9-million in funding for 2017 festivities in Ottawa.