Federal government expected to announce highly anticipated poverty plan
OTTAWA - A source familiar with the federal strategy says a new plan will be unveiled today to help more than two-million low-income Canadians get past the poverty line over the next 12 years.
Social Development Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, the minister in charge of the plan, will lay out details today at an event in Vancouver -- including establishing the threshold that defines poverty in Canada.
The government wants to reduce the rate of poverty in Canada by 20 per cent from 2015 levels by the end of the current decade.
That would require almost 850-thousand fewer people living in poverty in 2020 compared to five years earlier.
The source says the target increases to 50 per cent by 2030 -- a decline of 2.1-million people, including just over 534-thousand children under the age of 18.
Work on the strategy has been two years in the making, but anti-poverty groups who have taken part in consultations don't expect to hear any new spending commitments.
Absent any new spending, the government is likely to promote efforts to better co-ordinate existing and promised federal programs, as well as better tracking of their impact.