
Expropriations required to build Baseline transit corridor

Baseline transit corridor1
Baseline transit corridor1

A report for next Wednesday's Transportation committee says 15 private properties will have to be completely expropriated to make way for the Baseline transit corridor.

The 14-kilometer-long corridor will run down the median of Baseline Road from Heron, connecting with the O-Train, to the Transitway at Bayshore.

The report says the right of way would also require the expropriation between one and 15 meters at another 207 private properties, and ten publicly-owned properties.

The estimated cost of the first phase - from Heron to Baseline Station - would be about $160-million.

It's to be completed by 2031.

City officials say the corridor is needed to provide a fast alternative to current east-west transit, one which bypasses the downtown and avoids being delayed by heavy traffic.

The report does warn that, with dedicated transit lanes down the centre of Baseline Road, there won't be anywhere for plows to push their snow - so city plowing costs will have to increase to cope.