
Cornwall municipal employees return to work today

cornwall strike
cornwall strike
Paramedics, librarians, inside and outside workers will return to work today in Cornwall.

Paramedics, librarians, inside and outside workers will return to work today in Cornwall.

The City of Cornwall announced Council and workers represented by CUPE ratified the new agreement. 

The two sides reached a tentative agreement last week following a strike by 400 municipal workers in Cornwall. Outside workers, including paramedics, walked off the job in mid-May. They were joined one week later by inside workers.

During the strike, only three Cornwall ambulances were on the roads during the day.

The City of Cornwall says many city services and programs will resume as normal today. On Wednesday, the Cornwall Aquatic Centre, Richelieu Day Care and the Winchester satellite office of Social and Housing Services will reopen.

The Cornwall Public Library will be open from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. today. The library’s opening hours will be reviewed on a day by day basis.