Another moose in downtown Ottawa

Ottawa Police confirm they are on the scene of yet another moose that has wandered into the city of Ottawa. A call came in around 11 o'clock Saturday morning of a moose on Montreal Road. When contacted, Ottawa Police say the moose has been contained at Montreal Road and Bathgate. Little information has been provided and it is still an ongoing operation.
It's not confirmed but the moose could have been a victim of Friday's storm that hit the region and wandered into city limits.
In July, officials had to euthanize a moose that was found on Highway 417 early in the morning. It jammed rush hour traffic as police cordoned off the frightened animal to seperate it from traffic. The moose appeared to be injured with an apparent leg injury. Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry said the crew decided to euthanize it as the best course of action to preserve public safety. A veternarian was also consulted before the decision was made to kill the animal.