A look at the three candidates for the upcoming OttawaVanier Byelection

With the Ottawa-Vanier By-election fast approaching, Kristy Cameron had all three candidates for the riding join her on The Newsfeed on Sunday morning.
NDP Candidate Claude Bisson says one issue he particularly wants to focus on is payday loan businesses, like Money Mart.
"This is a difficult problem ... should the province get involved and find ways to make it easier for people to cash their cheques. There are probably a number of issues that we can look at. Definitely legislation of some sort would fix it."
Liberal Candidate Nathalie Des Rosiers says one of her main campaign goals is reducing hydro costs.
"The recent deal with the province of Quebec will probably reduce costs. That's what we're hoping".
Out of the three candidates, Des Rosiers is the favored candidate in the long-time Liberal riding of Ottawa-Vanier.
Former Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin is running for the Conservative party.
Not known for holding back, Marin says it's time for change in the long-time Liberal riding.
"As someone who wants to get elected to represent - fiercely - the citizens of Ottawa-Vanier, they don't want just another donkey with a red bow at Queen's Park. They want somebody to advocate, forcefully, protect and defend their interests. And that's what I will be doing."
Marin says he will also bring to the role what he called a law and order agenda.
"I support, very strongly, an increased police presence in Ottawa-Vanier in order to deal with these incredible amounts of shootings we've had - a lot of them happening in my riding of Ottawa-Vanier. I think part of the solution should including increased police presence."
You can find the full interviews with candidate here.
The Green Party has not yet chosen a candidate for the election.
The election for the next MPP Ottawa-Vanier riding will be held on November 17th.